Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Porter's Baptism
Friday, December 18, 2009
Christmas card
Thirteen shots's a keeper!
Simple Blessings
- Smiles in the early hours of the morning that reminds us why we are getting up before the alarm.
- Snuggles when both Porter and Mommy need them.
- Spending all day in comfy clothes because we don't have anywhere to go but stay in our warm home.
- Enjoying the quiet of the Christmas tree in the middle of the night- because of a hungry baby.
- Reading classic children's books- again.
- Excited relatives so happy that you braved the cold and snow to come to the holiday party- and brought the baby!
- Enjoying each and every minute with our sweet boy.
- A heart so filled with love that it is difficult to swallow at times.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
2 Months
Now time to enjoy my last 3 weeks off of work and Porter's first Christmas.
Speaking of has always been my favorite time of year. The tree is up the day after Thanksgiving, listening to Christmas music is no longer forbidden, the calendar starts filling up with family parties and shopping trips, and let's not forget about the baking. The best part of our holiday season this year is our new little man. Holiday movies seem more festive, we have an excuse to send out the really cutesy holiday cards, holiday lights seem brighter, the food more delicious, and the music more beautiful. It is truly amazing how much Porter has changed our lives.
He is our ultimate Christmas gift...a healthy, growing, happy baby boy. The gift that keeps on giving!!
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Mommy's Least Favorite Game
Monday, November 30, 2009
What Happened to November?!
Thanksgiving was a very special day. I have always enjoyed Thanksgiving (who doesn't?) and have been blessed throughout my life; but nothing compares to this year. This year wasn't about the turkey and fixings, but it was a day to reflect on the blessings that we have been given this past year, especially our Porter William. Eric and I couldn't be happier- we are complete. We have a beautiful, healthy little boy that brings so much joy into our lives each day. We were able to spend the day with our families, sharing our little bundle with them and having Porter showered with love and hugs.
As the holiday season continues with Christmas around the corner, we are looking forward to more family parties and making new memories as a family of 3. I can't think of a better gift this year, than our precious little boy; a healthy, growing baby who gives us more joy and love than I could ever imagine.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Meeting the Simms'
On Saturday night, Porter had the chance to meet some of the Simms' at Gram and Papa's house. Cathy and Art were visiting from California and Lowrie was home from London...what a surprise! Great-great Aunts Betsy and Pat welcomed Porter along with Katie and Steve- and they even got a little snuggle time with our little man!
Sunday was Great-great Uncle Glenn's 90th birthday party. Porter met more of the Simms clan and was surrounded by love from Uncle Glenn. It was amazing to have the oldest and youngest member of the Simms family being celebrated together. We loved sharing our little boy with the family and had a wonderful afternoon.
Quality Time with Dad
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Porter's Little Heart- Update
We were back in Park Ridge today at Lutheran General for a follow-up echo and appointment with his cardiologist. I am SO happy to report that Dr. Neuberger was very happy with the results of the echo. We are still going to be monitored regularly and Porter will be going for weight checks every 2 weeks to make sure that he is gaining and growing as he should, but we will not see the cardiologist for a whole MONTH! We are so thrilled that he is doing so well. Next week will be the first week since he was born that we will not have any doctor appointments...I may not know what to do!
Thank you again for all of your support, notes, kind words, and prayers- they mean the world to us! We will continue to update the blog with pictures and updates regularly, so check back often!
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Porter's Little Heart- Homebound!
I am happy to let all of you know that we are going home tonight. After being told all day that we were going to stay the night and getting ready to move rooms, the cardiologist came in and let us know that the echo looked better than what she expected. So, we are waiting for discharge orders and papers and we are outta here!
We are to follow up with the cardiologist next week. We are so thrilled and excited to be able to sleep in our own beds, take a much needed shower, and get Porter "unhooked" from all the machines. Gram took the day off tomorrow, so we will be getting Porter re-adjusted to home and giving him a much needed bath to wash off all the hospital germs!
He is continuing to eat, poop, pee, and sleep wonderfully. He is a very popular guy around the PICU and we are very proud at how brave and tough our little man has been. Thank you again for all of your prayers and well wishes. We are blessed to have such wonderful family and friends!
Porter's Little Heart- Update Thurs. Morning
Daddy unfortunately left the hospital this morning at 5am to go to work- he was not a happy camper! But we were joined by Gram and Papa Turner this morning after they had a good night's sleep at home. Porter was just seen by one of the cardiologists (along with 2 med. students), but we did not get any more information at this time. She was going to go check out the echo pictures and get back to us. We were told to expect to be staying until tomorrow morning, but would be moving to "the floor" and out of intensive care. Mommy was really hoping to be at home by tonight, but maybe another night of observation and healing for Porter is the best- even if Mommy has been in the same clothes since Tuesday and not showered!
We will continue to keep all of you updated. Thank you to all that have sent notes back to us- your kind words and prayers have kept us going and gives us a nice break from the beeps, whistles and constant hum-drums of the hospital.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Porter's Little Heart- Update
Both the Director of the Peds. Cardiology dept. and the doctor that did the procedure came out to talk with us after Porter was in recovery. The balloon procedure was a success- they were able to open up the sticky valve and the pressure in his heart was balanced. They were very encouraging about how well it went, for how bad the situation was before the procedure. They are still concerned and will continue to monitor the valve itself. It is underdeveloped and mis-shaped. We have been warned that we may be back here in the near future for another balloon procedure as the stickiness may redevelop.
As for now, we are looking to be here for the next 24 to 48 hours for observation. They are going to do an echo on him tomorrow morning and possibly a second one tomorrow night or Friday morning. Porter's cardiologist called not too long after he heard from the surgeon to check on us- he knew that Porter was fine, but wanted to make sure that Mom and Dad were doing okay- tells you just how wonderful he is. We will continue to keep you updated and let you know how the rest of his tests go tomorrow and possibly Friday. Thank you all for your encouraging words and prayers, we love you all!
Porter's Special Little Heart
Last night starting around 9pm Porter was given a medicine to open a different valve in his heart that would allow for the procedure to be easier for all involved, Porter and the surgeon. This medication does have a serious side effect of limiting his ability to breathe. Eric and I were both able to hold him as the medication was being given, until they put in a breathing tube at about 2am. Momma and Daddy were happy to have snuggle time with their boy, as he is an excellent snuggle-bug! He was sedated for the rest of the night and monitored very closely. Porter went into the cath-lab at about 9:15 and will undergo a 2 hour procedure to open the "sticky" valve. We are hoping that within 4 to 5 hours after he is done with the procedure the breathing tube will be taken out and we will again be able to hold and snuggle our little man. We are expecting to stay for the next couple days, where our little Porter will be spoiled by nurses who all think that he is just the cutest!
Please continue to keep us all in your prayers...we have been praying over-time since last night. We will send another update when Porter is out of surgery and we are settled once again on the way to recovery.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Week 2 and Porter's First Halloween
Porter's first Halloween did not involve trick or treating, but his cousins Riley and Calli stopped by to see him dressed as a Jack-o-lantern (thanks Gram and Papa). He was subject to lots of pictures taken by Mommy and Daddy, but slept through most of them.
Friday, October 23, 2009
First Week Pictures
Getting ready to leave the hospital
Talking to Daddy
Porter's First Week
My mom has thankfully been keeping close family and friends updated on the events of this week, but some may have not received those emails. At birth, Porter was diagnosed with a heart murmur. He was given an echocardiogram on Friday morning and was then diagnosed with a heart condition called pulmonary stenosis. There was a repeat echo done on Sunday followed by a conference call from the pediatric cardiologist, Dr. Newberger out of Lutheran General Hospital in Park Ridge. We were given a run down of what pulmonary stenosis is, and set up appointments for Porter to see both his pediatrician, Dr. Dantzer and Dr. Newberger. We are blessed to have such great doctors working with us, and we were pleasantly surprised to find out that Dantzer and Newberger have worked together for the last 10 years.
So what now? There are still a lot of "ifs". We will be seeing the pediatrician each week for weigh-ins to assure that he is gaining and growing as he should be. Every 2 weeks we will be traveling to Park Ridge (a 2 hour commute in good traffic) to see Dr. Newberger for repeat echocardiograms and monitoring. As for right now, we are aware that Porter will need to have a "balloon" procedure within the next year- but most likely within the next couple of months. This procedure is similar to an angioplasty where they will insert a catheter with a balloon on the end into the valve to clear out the stickiness. This may fix the problem, or make the valve leak, which would eventually lead to a valve replacement. As for right now, we are waiting and watching to see what Porter's little heart will do.
He is doing great otherwise. He is a very mellow baby and likes to snuggle and "talk" to Daddy. We are loving each and every sigh, coo, squeak, and even the poopy diapers. We will continue to keep you updated as we know more. Keep checking back and we will keep posting pictures often.
Stephanie, Eric, and Porter
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Change in Plans...
Yesterday I had a midwife appointment. Mom and I had a full day of shopping at Babies R Us and Target planned for after the appointment. Unfortunately, we never did get to go shopping. My blood pressure was a little high and concerning to my midwife. I was instructed to go home and rest for the remainder of the day and night and report back to have my b.p. checked again this morning. I was really bummed and thinking about all the things that we needed to buy before Baby Snider made his/her appearance--which I am sure didn't help the elevated blood pressure!
So, I rested all yesterday and let Eric dote on me (very difficult for me) and found out this morning that my blood pressure had gone up again. So, after a non-stress test and ultrasound we determined that Baby is healthy as can be, but Momma is done working and on complete bed rest until Baby is delivered. I have daily appointments this week with labs and a lovely jug that I get to pee into (may be TMI), but it is only the beginning of a long list of the not-so-glamorous-ness that is motherhood.
Worse case scenario is that I will have a scheduled induction as soon as the end of the week. Wasn't my ideal way to give birth because of all the horror stories I have heard of inductions, but we will be more than happy to have our little one enter the world healthy. We will keep everyone updated on our little adventure that is pregnancy-induced hypertension and I must thank Gram and Papa Turner for all the shopping, cooking, and playing chauffeur back and forth to the hospital!!
Love to all.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
36 and 37 Weeks and Family Baby Shower
36 Weeks
37 Weeks
We are anxiously awaiting for the arrival of Baby Snider. We have made it to 37 weeks and still counting. Eric and I have a few last minute things to buy, but otherwise we are ready to become a new Mommy and Daddy! Last Sunday I had my family baby shower given by Leslie and Aunt Jeri Lynn. It was a great day and beautiful shower. We received some beautiful gifts from family and friends and our nursery is now complete. My best friend Tami was even able to travel from Arkansas for the weekend. We are so blessed to have so many people that already love our baby.
This weekend we have our express childbirth class on Saturday. I am seeing my midwives every week now and time is flying by. I am quickly preparing for my maternity leave and trying to wrap up last minute meetings and paperwork at school...even though it seems like preparations are never-ending!
We will continue to post until Baby Snider arrives and will update soon after he/she makes an appearance. Wish us luck!
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Snider Baby Shower
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
33 Weeks
- Tour of the hospital and birthing suites next Tuesday
- appointment with Midwife Karen the following Tuesday
- baby shower given by Leslie October 4th
- Prepared Childbirth Class October 10th
We hope the baby can find time to be delivered within our busy schedule!! :)
Papa turns 60!
My dad turned 60 on August 27th. All summer Mom and I had discussed what to do...throw a party, have a quiet dinner out with just immediate family...take Dad to Vegas?? In the end, we compromised on all of those and spent a Saturday night at Jumer Casino and Hotel in Rock Island, IL. With a stop at a winery and lunch at a brew-pub in Rock Island all 5 of us traveled to Jumer's without Dad knowing what the plans were...SURPRISE!!
We had a great time as a one came back richer than they arrived, but we had a wonderful dinner at the steakhouse in Jumer's and enjoyed a band that played in one of the clubs outside of the casino. Dad had a great birthday and we all had fun helping him celebrate!!
Sunday, August 23, 2009
31 Weeks and Pregnancy Pictures
The beginning of the school year is always busy and stressful, but this week it has really set in for both Eric and I that our little one will be arriving in 2 months or less. We have showers planned, but our nursery is a little scarce still which makes me a little nervous. I know when the time comes we will be prepared...and if we aren't then the baby won't know the difference!
Last week we had pregnancy pictures taken- we posted a couple of our favorites!
Monday, August 10, 2009
29 Weeks
At the appointment I also had the glucose tolerance test. No news was good news, which means my sugars are good and nothing to worry about.
School is starting next week and I am already tired just thinking about it. I have started to work in my classroom a couple hours today and came home to take a nap. I am hoping I can make it a full school day!! I am sure the next 11 weeks will fly by once the school year gets in full swing.
Monday, August 3, 2009
28 Weeks...only 3 months to go!!
As you can see from the other picture posted, Eric is already a proud papa. We have had this doe and fawn in our backyard regularly all spring and summer. Our neighbor has been feeding them apples and Eric is constantly on the look-out for Momma and baby. Last night, around 8pm Eric was finishing up mowing the lawn when felt like he was being watched. And he our forest friends! They politely stood and posed for this and many other pictures. I love to watch the fawn follow the doe and the doe take care of her little baby. Nature is a beautiful thing and we are lucky to be able to enjoy it in our own back yard.