Tuesday, May 26, 2009

18 weeks and counting....

Still growing...

Memorial Day Weekend

Eric and I had a very busy holiday weekend. On Saturday, my softball girls played for the Regional title and won. We are Regional Championships and play on Thursday in our first Sectional game. Then on Sunday, we took the train to Brookfield Zoo with our friends Josh and Katie. It was a beautiful day with perfect weather and great friends.

Monday ended our weekend with a cookout at my parent's house for lunch where the guys were put to work taking the pool cover off. Then to Eric's Poppa Murphy's house for dinner. It was a relaxing day and fun having some family time.
We scheduled our 20-week ultrasound for June 6th at 10am. We are still set on not finding out the sex of the baby (Eric would find out if he could), but we couldn't be more excited to see our little one in action. We will post the first baby pictures after the appointment.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Callihan's Birthday

Our niece and God-daughter Callihan turned one this weekend. Calli's party was a lot of fun and she was spoiled with new clothes, toys, and summer pj's. It sure doesn't seem like it was a year ago that she was born. I am sure that Justin and Nicole feel as though the time went even quicker. It's amazing how fast they grow...good thing that won't happen with our baby! :)

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day to all of you beautiful mother's. My first Mother's Day as a Mother-to-be was great! We went to church with Gram and Poppa Turner (my mom and dad) then went out to brunch with Grandma Simms, Aunt Jeri Lynn, and my brother Jason. The boys had some heavy lifting to do at mom and dad's house, so we went back to the house for a while and mom was able to open her Mother's Day gift--to a soon to be Gram. Eric and I had so much fun picking out little baby goodies that will be useful at Gram and Poppa's house, including a Boppy, bottle brush, spoons and snack bowls, and washcloths. Gram was so excited and Poppa was amazed at the Boppy.

Eric and I ended the day with pizza at Mimi and Poppa Snider's (Eric's mom and dad) house. Poppa Murphy joined us along with our nieces and Eric's siblings. It was a great end to the day with the little girls playing in the yard.

Eric and I have an appointment on Tuesday with one of the midwives. We are excited to meet Karen, as I have only seen Noreen. We have many questions to be answered. Here are some long-over due pictures...taken with my Mother's Day gift from Eric, a new camera!! I am sure we will be using it A LOT over the next few months.

16 Weeks and the belly is starting to show more and more.

Monday, May 4, 2009

It'll be a little ball player...

The news is out all over school. I told my math class today, and was really surprised at their reactions. They were all very excited and one of the girls even started to cry she said she was so happy. I forget that the teacher-student bond works both ways...I take for granted sometimes how mature these 15 and 16 year old students are and how much they really do care.

I also shared the good news with my softball team. I planned on telling them last week, but we kept losing and I wanted it to be an all around happy occasion. They were excited as well and talked incessantly on the bus ride home about baby names, and how they are sure the baby will be a little ball player. It feels great to be able to share our news and get such fun and exciting reactions.