Monday, November 30, 2009

What Happened to November?!

It's the last day of November...when did that happen? This month has flown by in a blur...Porter's procedure and our stay at Lutheran General, doctor visits to both the cardiologist and pediatrician, snuggle time with both Mommy and Daddy, family parties and Thanksgiving.

Our little man is growing by leaps and bounds. He is now over 9 pounds and is changing every day. He loves his tummy time in the morning and reading books with Mommy. My favorite thing is his HUGE smile that he is starting to show more and more each day.
Thanksgiving was a very special day. I have always enjoyed Thanksgiving (who doesn't?) and have been blessed throughout my life; but nothing compares to this year. This year wasn't about the turkey and fixings, but it was a day to reflect on the blessings that we have been given this past year, especially our Porter William. Eric and I couldn't be happier- we are complete. We have a beautiful, healthy little boy that brings so much joy into our lives each day. We were able to spend the day with our families, sharing our little bundle with them and having Porter showered with love and hugs.

As the holiday season continues with Christmas around the corner, we are looking forward to more family parties and making new memories as a family of 3. I can't think of a better gift this year, than our precious little boy; a healthy, growing baby who gives us more joy and love than I could ever imagine.

Happy Holidays!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Meeting the Simms'

On Saturday night, Porter had the chance to meet some of the Simms' at Gram and Papa's house. Cathy and Art were visiting from California and Lowrie was home from London...what a surprise! Great-great Aunts Betsy and Pat welcomed Porter along with Katie and Steve- and they even got a little snuggle time with our little man!

Sunday was Great-great Uncle Glenn's 90th birthday party. Porter met more of the Simms clan and was surrounded by love from Uncle Glenn. It was amazing to have the oldest and youngest member of the Simms family being celebrated together. We loved sharing our little boy with the family and had a wonderful afternoon.

Quality Time with Dad

Mommy went shopping for the first time since having me. She needed some new jeans to wear out in public, since we can finally go other places than doctor's offices and hospitals (yay!). So, I had the chance to hang out with Daddy all by ourselves. We had a great time! We slept in a little since it was Saturday, then we ate breakfast- he had cereal and I just had milk. After that we played the guitar. Actually Daddy did all the playing and I did the listening. I love music! I must have dozed off because the next thing I knew, Mommy was home and I was nice and warm snuggling with Daddy. We had a great morning...maybe Mommy should go shopping more often! :)

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Porter's Little Heart- Update

We are so fortunate that the internet has made it so easy to keep all of our friends and family updated about Porter. I am hoping that this will be the last update about his heart condition for a long while...

We were back in Park Ridge today at Lutheran General for a follow-up echo and appointment with his cardiologist. I am SO happy to report that Dr. Neuberger was very happy with the results of the echo. We are still going to be monitored regularly and Porter will be going for weight checks every 2 weeks to make sure that he is gaining and growing as he should, but we will not see the cardiologist for a whole MONTH! We are so thrilled that he is doing so well. Next week will be the first week since he was born that we will not have any doctor appointments...I may not know what to do!

Thank you again for all of your support, notes, kind words, and prayers- they mean the world to us! We will continue to update the blog with pictures and updates regularly, so check back often!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Porter's Little Heart- Homebound!


I am happy to let all of you know that we are going home tonight. After being told all day that we were going to stay the night and getting ready to move rooms, the cardiologist came in and let us know that the echo looked better than what she expected. So, we are waiting for discharge orders and papers and we are outta here!

We are to follow up with the cardiologist next week. We are so thrilled and excited to be able to sleep in our own beds, take a much needed shower, and get Porter "unhooked" from all the machines. Gram took the day off tomorrow, so we will be getting Porter re-adjusted to home and giving him a much needed bath to wash off all the hospital germs!

He is continuing to eat, poop, pee, and sleep wonderfully. He is a very popular guy around the PICU and we are very proud at how brave and tough our little man has been. Thank you again for all of your prayers and well wishes. We are blessed to have such wonderful family and friends!

Porter's Little Heart- Update Thurs. Morning

We are happy to update all of you that Porter had a great evening and night. He started to wake up around 4pm yesterday afternoon. Mommy and Daddy were able to go to the cafe for lunch (just the 2 of them) and then get a much needed nap- no one should function on 2 hours of sleep! Once Porter started stirring, they were able to take out the breathing tube. I can't tell you how happy I was to hear his little cry and be able to hold and snuggle with him. He was VERY hungry; the last time he ate was at 6pm Tuesday night before he headed to the hospital. He was given 2 ounces of Pedialyte and was able to keep that down, so by 8pm he was feasting on a bottle of Mommy's milk and has been eating every 2-3 hours since. We were all able to get some sleep last night, in between vitals checks and feedings. Since he is eating so well he was able to be unhooked from the IV fluids at 2am and got rid of the pesky oxygen tube at 5am...more room on his little face for kisses from Mommy! :)

Daddy unfortunately left the hospital this morning at 5am to go to work- he was not a happy camper! But we were joined by Gram and Papa Turner this morning after they had a good night's sleep at home. Porter was just seen by one of the cardiologists (along with 2 med. students), but we did not get any more information at this time. She was going to go check out the echo pictures and get back to us. We were told to expect to be staying until tomorrow morning, but would be moving to "the floor" and out of intensive care. Mommy was really hoping to be at home by tonight, but maybe another night of observation and healing for Porter is the best- even if Mommy has been in the same clothes since Tuesday and not showered!

We will continue to keep all of you updated. Thank you to all that have sent notes back to us- your kind words and prayers have kept us going and gives us a nice break from the beeps, whistles and constant hum-drums of the hospital.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Porter's Little Heart- Update

Some of you have already been notified, but Porter's procedure went well. We are back on the 2nd floor- peds. intensive care unit and waiting for our little man to wake up. Gram has been talking with him in hopes that he will open his eyes but I think that he got both Eric and my stubborn streak. The nurses cannot take out his breathing tube until he is awake, and we cannot hold him until the breathing tube is out. Momma is getting impatient!!

Both the Director of the Peds. Cardiology dept. and the doctor that did the procedure came out to talk with us after Porter was in recovery. The balloon procedure was a success- they were able to open up the sticky valve and the pressure in his heart was balanced. They were very encouraging about how well it went, for how bad the situation was before the procedure. They are still concerned and will continue to monitor the valve itself. It is underdeveloped and mis-shaped. We have been warned that we may be back here in the near future for another balloon procedure as the stickiness may redevelop.

As for now, we are looking to be here for the next 24 to 48 hours for observation. They are going to do an echo on him tomorrow morning and possibly a second one tomorrow night or Friday morning. Porter's cardiologist called not too long after he heard from the surgeon to check on us- he knew that Porter was fine, but wanted to make sure that Mom and Dad were doing okay- tells you just how wonderful he is. We will continue to keep you updated and let you know how the rest of his tests go tomorrow and possibly Friday. Thank you all for your encouraging words and prayers, we love you all!

Porter's Special Little Heart

Porter had another echo at Rush Copley yesterday afternoon. This is becoming a routine procedure for him and us...and the nurses are becoming quite attached to our cute little man! :) The echo was done at 2pm and by 6pm our WONDERFUL peds. cardiologist Dr. Neuberger was calling us at home, from his home. He had the pictures sent to him at home as he was out of the office yesterday. He called to tell us that the echo images were concerning because the pressure had increased in his heart, which makes his heart work that much harder than it already is. Dr. Neuberger had already contacted the Director of peds. cardiology and the surgeon that is operating on Porter as we speak and they both agreed that the procedure should not wait. So unfortunately, our dinner that was being prepared was thrown in the garbage, we packed all three of us up, and headed up to Park Ridge to Lutheran General Children's Hospital.

Last night starting around 9pm Porter was given a medicine to open a different valve in his heart that would allow for the procedure to be easier for all involved, Porter and the surgeon. This medication does have a serious side effect of limiting his ability to breathe. Eric and I were both able to hold him as the medication was being given, until they put in a breathing tube at about 2am. Momma and Daddy were happy to have snuggle time with their boy, as he is an excellent snuggle-bug! He was sedated for the rest of the night and monitored very closely. Porter went into the cath-lab at about 9:15 and will undergo a 2 hour procedure to open the "sticky" valve. We are hoping that within 4 to 5 hours after he is done with the procedure the breathing tube will be taken out and we will again be able to hold and snuggle our little man. We are expecting to stay for the next couple days, where our little Porter will be spoiled by nurses who all think that he is just the cutest!

Please continue to keep us all in your prayers...we have been praying over-time since last night. We will send another update when Porter is out of surgery and we are settled once again on the way to recovery.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Week 2 and Porter's First Halloween

Porter's second week has come and gone too quickly. He had his 2 week appointment with Dr. Dantzer, his pediatrician, and passed with flying colors! He is back to his birth weight and has grown half an inch. Porter has started to be awake more during the day and is still sleeping well at night- for 4 to 5 hour stretches...way to go!

Porter's first Halloween did not involve trick or treating, but his cousins Riley and Calli stopped by to see him dressed as a Jack-o-lantern (thanks Gram and Papa). He was subject to lots of pictures taken by Mommy and Daddy, but slept through most of them.

This week we have another Echo on Tuesday and then back to Chicago to see the cardiologist on Thursday. Friday we go to the pediatrician for another weight check. Busy week, but it just makes Mommy enjoy the quiet days and nights at home even more!