Friday, November 19, 2010

1 Year Old!

Porter turned one year old on Friday, October 15th. Poor guy was sick with ANOTHER ear infection, but Mommy was not all disappointed because she was able to spend most of her day with the birthday boy.
On the 16th we had a family birthday party for Porter. It was a beautiful, warm, fall day. The party was a barnyard theme- complete with some farm animals!
Our little man is growing by leaps and bounds. At his one year appointment he weighed just over 25 pounds and is 31 inches long; he is in the 75th percentile for weight and height. Here is a developmental update about our VERY busy little boy:
  • Says Mommy and Dada and means he wants our attention NOW!
  • Is walking and most often running through the house.
  • He is a great sleeper and most mornings needs to be waken up by Daddy. He is more like his Mommy and is a slow-waker.
  • He still loves books and loves to be read to. He will point to pictures in his books and say, "look!"
  • At the end of bath time he repeats after Mommy and says "all done!".
  • He loves music and is glued to the tv when music is playing. He has become quite the dancer and his favorite toy is his guitar that Daddy bought him for his birthday.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Pumpkin Patch

We celebrated Fall last weekend by taking a trip to the pumpkin patch. It was a VERY chilly day, but a lot of fun. I can't wait until next year when Porter can run around with the rest of the kiddos. He was very content watching from his stroller, bundled from head to toe. Here are some pictures from the day. We are counting down the days until his big One Year Birthday. Party pictures to come...

Friday, September 10, 2010

Cleared for a Year...

This week we visited Dr. Neuberger, Porter's cardiologist for a check-up. I was very nervous how Porter would do during his echo-cardiogram. He is not the quiet, sit-still and be happy baby anymore. Our little man is a busy, rough and tumble boy, with a little bit of a temper- alright a BIG temper at times. :)

To our surprise, he did great! Porter sat and ate his Goldfish like a good little boy and watched The Wiggles for 10 whole minutes. The test would have taken a total of 15 minutes, but we were so proud of him...what a champ!!

The even better news...we go back in a YEAR. A whole YEAR of no worrying about tests, and the possibility of bad news. There is still a mild leak and mild murmer, but we can live with that. We couldn't be happier, but a little nervous at the same time. I know Porter is healthy. He is growing, thriving, and amazing us each and every day. But there is still a little voice in the back of my head that whispers, "What if...". I am sure that I will shush that voice over and over for the next 12 months; probably for the next 12 years or more. But for now, we will enjoy watching our busy little guy grow and thrive...and keep amazing us every day!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Back to Work...

It's that time again. Mommy is back to work and she is once again slacking on putting posts on my blog. So, I am updating all of you wonderful people who follow me.

I spend my days at Mimi Snider's house with my cousins and friends on Mondays, Thursdays, and Fridays. Tuesdays and Wednesdays I am at home with Papa Turner. Mommy is back to work and busier than ever. She is Student Council advisor and now heading up the new Color Guard at ICHS. Homecoming for ICHS is at the end of September, so she tells me that she will be around more after that. I miss her, but I have had extra time with Daddy which is also nice.

It is Labor Day weekend and we are having a great time all being together. Here is a picture of Daddy and I before we went to get breakfast for Mommy on Saturday morning. It is our new weekly adventure. I can't wait to turn 1 so I can have a donut too!!

Mommy will post soon....

Porter W.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Family Vacation

We just returned from our first family vacation to Destin, FL. Here are some photos to recap our trip.

16 hours in the car...finally driving over the bridge to Destin.

Gulf Shores Zoo- petting zoo area

Family photo on the beach at sunset

Playing in the waves with Daddy

Nap time after playing

Swimming with Mommy in the big pool

Splish Splash!

Summer Catch-Up

I had great plans this summer; many like most summers since I began teaching. I was going to read many books, spend time in Mom and Dad's pool working on my tan, sit out on our deck drinking coffee in the morning, and having dinner on the table when Eric gets home from a long day of work.
Although, this summer is NOT what I had in mind- I have not read one book and have even fallen behind on reading my monthly Parents magazine. I have been in Mom and Dad's pool a few times, but cannot remember just floating and relaxing for the afternoon. I haven't been able to enjoy a cup of coffee on our deck, but instead spend Porter's nap time cleaning and picking up the house. And unfortunately for Eric, dinner is usually a balancing act of feeding Porter and whipping up whatever we have in the fridge- leftovers are my specialty.

With all my unfinished goals, this has been the BEST summer. I am able to wake up to the sound of Porter jabbering happily in his crib, instead of my angry alarm clock. We have settled into a routine with lots of playing and good naps. Our daily adventures range from grocery shopping, taking walks around the neighborhood, visiting Gram and Papa, and playing with friends at Mimi's house while Mommy runs errands or gets the occasional pedicure.

I haven't read one book this summer. But I have created so many great memories of my son's first summer; stories that I will cherish forever.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Summer Break

Mommy is on summer break, which means that she is done with school for the summer and can stay home with me all day. No rest for her, though. My wake up call is promptly each morning at 5:45am. There is just so much playing to time to sleep in!
And we have been doing plenty of playing since Mommy is home. We visit Gram and Papa and I love to swim in their pool. We even went to a water park last week....and I love to swim with my cousin's at the Country Club, thanks to Poppa Murphy. The more water time, the better!!
Since Mommy is busy I have taken the liberty of posting some of my favorite shots of me swimming. I will keep uploading and updating all of you. We leave for Florida in 3 first vacation, and I am SO excited! We are traveling with Mimi and Poppa Snider, Uncle Justin and Auntie Cole, Riley, and Calli, and Aunt Shannon and Ava too!

Gotta go...need my diaper changed.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Mother's Day

Where did the last month go? School is wrapping up and each week seems to go quicker than the last. I am not complaining, but somehow my 6 month old baby turned into a 7 month old little boy.
Porter is changing every day. He is working on tooth number 5 and is sitting up on his own. Crawling is in our near future and I just know that once he starts moving he will not stop! It is going to be a BUSY summer in the Snider household.
Here are some pictures from Mother's Day 2010. We spent the morning with Gram and Papa Turner and the afternoon at Mimi and Poppa Snider's house. My first Mother's Day was perfect and I loved spending the day with my two boys!!

My first Mother's Day

Big boy sitting by himself!

Bubba Cool

Flowers that the girls planted for Mimi

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Half Birthday

Six months....six months....our little man is now six months old! While you are pregnant, everyone always tells you that it will go fast. You smile politely and reply with, "oh, I'm sure." But I can now say that it goes so fast!
Porter Update: Weighing in at 18 pounds 3 ounces and 26 inches long, he is in the 75th percentile for weight and 50th for height. He has 4 teeth- two top and two bottom. The last month has been a long month with constant runny nose and middle of the night wakings. We were at the doctor on Monday for his well-visit and again on Friday for sickness. Mommy has had it with congestion, runny nose, and eye boogers. Miss Jill our wonderful nurse practioner found an ear infection in Porter's right ear...and one in Mommy's right ear too! So we are home with antibiotics for Porter and nasal spray for Mommy, since I am still nursing- no meds for me. :(

We had a wonderful Easter and have been enjoying Spring weather with walks in our stroller and rides in the baby swing at both Gram and Papa Turner's and Mimi and Poppa Snider's. Here are some updated pictures that are long overdue.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The Littlest Angel

Our family has a new angel in Heaven this week. My Great-Uncle Glenn was laid to rest yesterday morning. The service was beautiful and had Uncle Glenn's name written all over it. Wonderful scripture, music, and beautiful memories shared by those closest to him.
In the last few months we have been fortunate to see Uncle Glenn numerous times. I am thankful for that. Our dear uncle had also become more tech-savvy in the last months which made it ever easier to keep in touch and share pictures of our Porter- whom Uncle Glenn loved so dearly. At the visitation, Aunt Nan shared with Eric and I that Uncle Glenn included Porter each day in their morning devotions. I was so touched. Uncle Glenn praying for Porter is like having a direct line to God- powerful stuff!

I would like to share an email that we received from Uncle Glenn after Porter was born.

Our dear lil' Family --------
How proud we are to add another Porter to the family tree! And Eric, you are more than special for wanting to tell your Unc about the "glad tidings of great joy". Indeed we too were popping buttons all over the place. And such a beautiful boy! Now we are anxiously waiting to see the lil' guy in person. Are you going to come to my surprise birthday party? If so pleeeeeeeeese bring Porter William with you.

A quick family history lesson: Behind Porter there are at least four great,great,great great grand parents named Porter and I'm sure more that I have yet to find. And those Porters were all Godly people. As an example Porter's seventh generation back was Andrew Porter, missionary to the Indians in northern Michigan and the founder of Potaskey, Michigan. Some time remind me to tell you a story of the conversation between Porter's 3rd great grandparents just prior to her death. A beautiful tear jerker.

Won't bore you any longer ----- and don't forget my surprise birthday party on the 15th!!
Your ever loving Uncle Glenn

We did make it to Uncle Glenn's 90th birthday party, but never did hear the story that Uncle Glenn wanted to share. I look forward to the day when I can hear that story from Uncle Glenn when I meet him in Heaven. I know he is looking down on us and continuing to keep Porter in his morning devotions, and telling my Grandpa Jerry all about our 'lil man'. Uncle Glenn would often refer to Porter as his Littlest Angel...for all of you that knew him, Uncle Glenn was quite a small man and seemed to get smaller each time we saw him. I think we can confidently say that Porter has given up the title of Littlest Angel. :)

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Porter has something to say...

We love listening to our little man jabber. And I am sure that once in a while he says Mama...even if he doesn't know it. :)

Monday, March 8, 2010

First Tooth!

Porter has his first tooth!! We have been fighting a cold with a fever all weekend. The fever is gone and in its place is Bubba's first tooth...what a trade off! :)

Slow Leak

We had Porter's cardiologist appointment on Friday. It was a spectacular day. Both Eric and I took the day off. Porter was in a good mood and even allowed Mommy and Daddy to sleep in a whole half hour. The sun was shining and spring was in the air. But the best part of the day was hearing Dr. Neuberger tell us that Porter's valve has gotten better as he has grown. He doesn't want to see us for 6 months.

6 months!! My first thought was thank you Lord! My second thought was 6 months is a long time with no Echo's or EKG's...a double edge sword. I shook that bad worry-vibes out of my Crazy-Mommy head and breathed a sigh of relief. The valve looked great and there is no sign that he will need another valveoplaste.

Although, he does have a leaky valve because of the last valveoplaste. We knew that could happen and is not a surprise. The good thing- it is a slow leak and only mild to moderate in nature. The bad news- at some point in our little man's life he will need a valve replacement. What will happen is the valve will continue to leak more and more over time which will enlarge the right side of his heart, making it difficult for the heart to pump blood effectively. Impressed with my doctor-speak?

So we wait and watch. Again, it is a slow leak...leak....leak....leak. Porter could be a 30 year old man with a wife before he needs a replacement. Or it could happen within the next 5 years. Leak....leak....leak. "I hope no one is treating him any differently," were the parting words from Dr. Neuberger. Parting words full of hope.

See you in 6 months Doctor.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Prayers for Layla

A friend of mine on facebook posted a link to a blog: She asked for prayers for this family and encouraged everyone to look at Layla's story. I spend the next hour reading archived posts from Layla's courageous mom and dad. The tears started flowing...and flowing, but I kept reading about the brave little girl who is dying from cancer while so young. I read about the sacrifices that her parents have made and how all her mom wanted was a family picture before Layla could no longer hold up her head. I read an entry from her dad and how all he wanted was for his little girl to no longer be in pain. They have accepted the fact that she is dying and will not be with them for much longer. Layla's dad was not acting for a miracle. He was not asking for God to cure Layla of the cancer that has overtaken her small helpless body. He was only asking that his baby not suffer and be comfortable in her last days.

I look back and think about Porter in the hospital at 3 weeks old. I think about the fear and emotion that both Eric and I felt. I can't think what it would feel like to say good bye to our baby boy. What we went through was peanuts. It was rough and not something I want to go through again, but not even close to what Layla's parents are going through. So tonight as I rocked and laid Porter down to sleep, I prayed for Layla and her parents. I prayed for all parents that have a sick child. I did not pray for miracles...but I prayed that God give all those parents the strength to get through another day. I prayed that those sick babies are comfortable....and I will continue to pray.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

My Boys

As I sit here on a sunny Sunday morning with my cup of coffee next to me, I am watching my boys sleep. Eric is on the couch soundly sleeping. Porter is in his pack and play sighing and making those cute noises that he emits when he is sleeping soundly. The house is peaceful. It isn't as clean as I would like it- there are dishes in the sink, the bathroom floors need to be cleaned, and there is a thin layer of dust on the furniture if you look closely. Before Porter, this would have bothered me. I would be frantically cleaning on Saturday morning in order to get the house put together and cleaned for the weekend and following week. I could be cleaning or at least doing a load of laundry. Instead, I sit here watching my boys sleep and taking in the pure serenity of the moment. With March quickly approaching, I realize that the luck of the Irish has found me and blessed me two times over.
Porter has a cardiologist appointment on Friday. He is a happy, thriving little boy. I have no doubts that the appointment will go as planned. Although, I have to prepare myself for the chance that because he is growing and changing, so is his heart. Any change-especially growth- can put stress on his valve and increase the possibility that he will need another procedure.

But I have Irish on my side- and hopefully the luck that usually goes with it. If all goes well we will be back for another appointment in June. And as much as we like Dr. Neuberger, seeing him every 3 months is enough for us!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Whoa...It's February!

It takes a snow day and Porter napping to get me to update the blog...kinda pathetic, but that is my life lately! So much has happened in the last month (insert slacker comment here), I guess I should give everyone an update! So, grab a cup of coffee and settle in. Here we go...

The biggest change and transition in our crazy life with a 3 month old is going back to work. I have been back to "the grind" for over a month now and it has seemed like forever. It is still a challenge to get up, get dressed, get Porter ready and fed, and get out the door. I hate that I am not with him all day, but we are so blessed to have my Dad coming to Porter-sit daily. I know that Porter is in great hands, but still jealous that I don't get to spend the day with my little boy- instead spending it with other people's children. We have settled into a routine nicely and enjoy our nights and weekends even more than we did when I was at home.

Porter is growing and thriving. He is sleeping through the night- often 10 to 11 hours at a time. He takes 2 naps during the day with an occasional "cat nap" in the afternoon. We have him on a great schedule, that will be easy for him to transition when he starts going to Mimi's house 3 days a week in March. We have also introduced cereal to Porter in the morning and evening. He loves it! He was unsure about it at first, but now eats like a champ! It is one of my favorite times in the evening, being able to feed him from his highchair- our boy is growing so quickly!

Last night, Porter rolled from his belly to his back for the first time. Now, we just need to get him to roll from his back to his belly again. He does NOT like sleeping on his back and lets us know it! He is also scooting around his crib each night. Often times he is facing a different way than when I laid him down. He is constantly active- kicking and waving his arms. It is amazing to think that in a few short months he will be mobile. Let the baby-proofing begin!

Porter continues to be a happy little boy with a sweet personality. We are going to the pediatrician for his 4 month check up this Friday, the 12th. We are anxious to see how much he has gained from 2 months ago. March 5th is the next check-up with Porter's cardiologist. We are hoping to be cleared for another 3 months. My goal is to post before then, but I don't want to make a promise I can't keep. :)

Happy Snow Day!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Busy Mommy

My mom has been very busy lately. I am sure you have noticed by the lack of activity on my blog. Here is a quick update from the last 3 weeks...
My first Christmas was great! I was given lots of special gifts and had a great time spending the holidays with family. I am looking forward to next Christmas when I can open my own gifts!

Mommy went back to work after the first of the year. It was sad for me, but more difficult on Mommy. We are on a good routine and I am having a blast with Papa Turner. He comes to my house each morning. We play and read all morning and afternoon. In between times I take long naps and can't wait for Mommy and Daddy to get home in the afternoon. Gram even stops by after school to spend time with me. I am a VERY luck boy! Our nights go quickly, but I have been getting great sleep at night- I have been letting Mommy and Daddy sleep all night. I am looking forward to going to Mimi's house in March for part of the week and spending the other days at my house with Papa.

I love it when the weekend arrives and Mommy and Daddy are home to spend all day and night with me...and it is the best part of their week as well! Hopefully Mommy will get some more time on the weekend to keep everyone updated- she has really been slacking! Enjoy the pictures from the past few weeks. I am a growing, busy boy!