Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The Littlest Angel

Our family has a new angel in Heaven this week. My Great-Uncle Glenn was laid to rest yesterday morning. The service was beautiful and had Uncle Glenn's name written all over it. Wonderful scripture, music, and beautiful memories shared by those closest to him.
In the last few months we have been fortunate to see Uncle Glenn numerous times. I am thankful for that. Our dear uncle had also become more tech-savvy in the last months which made it ever easier to keep in touch and share pictures of our Porter- whom Uncle Glenn loved so dearly. At the visitation, Aunt Nan shared with Eric and I that Uncle Glenn included Porter each day in their morning devotions. I was so touched. Uncle Glenn praying for Porter is like having a direct line to God- powerful stuff!

I would like to share an email that we received from Uncle Glenn after Porter was born.

Our dear lil' Family --------
How proud we are to add another Porter to the family tree! And Eric, you are more than special for wanting to tell your Unc about the "glad tidings of great joy". Indeed we too were popping buttons all over the place. And such a beautiful boy! Now we are anxiously waiting to see the lil' guy in person. Are you going to come to my surprise birthday party? If so pleeeeeeeeese bring Porter William with you.

A quick family history lesson: Behind Porter there are at least four great,great,great great grand parents named Porter and I'm sure more that I have yet to find. And those Porters were all Godly people. As an example Porter's seventh generation back was Andrew Porter, missionary to the Indians in northern Michigan and the founder of Potaskey, Michigan. Some time remind me to tell you a story of the conversation between Porter's 3rd great grandparents just prior to her death. A beautiful tear jerker.

Won't bore you any longer ----- and don't forget my surprise birthday party on the 15th!!
Your ever loving Uncle Glenn

We did make it to Uncle Glenn's 90th birthday party, but never did hear the story that Uncle Glenn wanted to share. I look forward to the day when I can hear that story from Uncle Glenn when I meet him in Heaven. I know he is looking down on us and continuing to keep Porter in his morning devotions, and telling my Grandpa Jerry all about our 'lil man'. Uncle Glenn would often refer to Porter as his Littlest Angel...for all of you that knew him, Uncle Glenn was quite a small man and seemed to get smaller each time we saw him. I think we can confidently say that Porter has given up the title of Littlest Angel. :)

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Porter has something to say...

We love listening to our little man jabber. And I am sure that once in a while he says Mama...even if he doesn't know it. :)

Monday, March 8, 2010

First Tooth!

Porter has his first tooth!! We have been fighting a cold with a fever all weekend. The fever is gone and in its place is Bubba's first tooth...what a trade off! :)

Slow Leak

We had Porter's cardiologist appointment on Friday. It was a spectacular day. Both Eric and I took the day off. Porter was in a good mood and even allowed Mommy and Daddy to sleep in a whole half hour. The sun was shining and spring was in the air. But the best part of the day was hearing Dr. Neuberger tell us that Porter's valve has gotten better as he has grown. He doesn't want to see us for 6 months.

6 months!! My first thought was thank you Lord! My second thought was 6 months is a long time with no Echo's or EKG's...a double edge sword. I shook that bad worry-vibes out of my Crazy-Mommy head and breathed a sigh of relief. The valve looked great and there is no sign that he will need another valveoplaste.

Although, he does have a leaky valve because of the last valveoplaste. We knew that could happen and is not a surprise. The good thing- it is a slow leak and only mild to moderate in nature. The bad news- at some point in our little man's life he will need a valve replacement. What will happen is the valve will continue to leak more and more over time which will enlarge the right side of his heart, making it difficult for the heart to pump blood effectively. Impressed with my doctor-speak?

So we wait and watch. Again, it is a slow leak...leak....leak....leak. Porter could be a 30 year old man with a wife before he needs a replacement. Or it could happen within the next 5 years. Leak....leak....leak. "I hope no one is treating him any differently," were the parting words from Dr. Neuberger. Parting words full of hope.

See you in 6 months Doctor.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Prayers for Layla

A friend of mine on facebook posted a link to a blog: www.laylagrace.org. She asked for prayers for this family and encouraged everyone to look at Layla's story. I spend the next hour reading archived posts from Layla's courageous mom and dad. The tears started flowing...and flowing, but I kept reading about the brave little girl who is dying from cancer while so young. I read about the sacrifices that her parents have made and how all her mom wanted was a family picture before Layla could no longer hold up her head. I read an entry from her dad and how all he wanted was for his little girl to no longer be in pain. They have accepted the fact that she is dying and will not be with them for much longer. Layla's dad was not acting for a miracle. He was not asking for God to cure Layla of the cancer that has overtaken her small helpless body. He was only asking that his baby not suffer and be comfortable in her last days.

I look back and think about Porter in the hospital at 3 weeks old. I think about the fear and emotion that both Eric and I felt. I can't think what it would feel like to say good bye to our baby boy. What we went through was peanuts. It was rough and not something I want to go through again, but not even close to what Layla's parents are going through. So tonight as I rocked and laid Porter down to sleep, I prayed for Layla and her parents. I prayed for all parents that have a sick child. I did not pray for miracles...but I prayed that God give all those parents the strength to get through another day. I prayed that those sick babies are comfortable....and I will continue to pray.