Six months....six months....our little man is now six months old! While you are pregnant, everyone always tells you that it will go fast. You smile politely and reply with, "oh, I'm sure." But I can now say that it goes so fast!
Porter Update: Weighing in at 18 pounds 3 ounces and 26 inches long, he is in the 75th percentile for weight and 50th for height. He has 4 teeth- two top and two bottom. The last month has been a long month with constant runny nose and middle of the night wakings. We were at the doctor on Monday for his well-visit and again on Friday for sickness. Mommy has had it with congestion, runny nose, and eye boogers. Miss Jill our wonderful nurse practioner found an ear infection in Porter's right ear...and one in Mommy's right ear too! So we are home with antibiotics for Porter and nasal spray for Mommy, since I am still nursing- no meds for me. :(
We had a wonderful Easter and have been enjoying Spring weather with walks in our stroller and rides in the baby swing at both Gram and Papa Turner's and Mimi and Poppa Snider's. Here are some updated pictures that are long overdue.