Sunday, June 7, 2009

20 Week Ultrasound

We had our ultrasound on Saturday morning. It was the best experience yet. We didn't find out the sex of the baby but it was amazing to see the baby moving, the heart beating, and know that all is well.
I have felt the first movements this past week, with most of the movement taking place after I eat and when I lay down in bed at night. It is the most amazing feeling!!

We have our 5 month appointment with our midwife on Tuesday. I leave for Little Rock, Arkansas on Thursday for 5 days to visit my BFF Tami. I am very excited to get away and even more excited to come home to a freshly painted Nursery and new carpet in the baby's room and our room. Eric will be busy!
Enjoy the pictures from the ultrasound. We will continue to keep you posted.

1 comment:

  1. Your little peanut is adorable already...I love that little foot. :) Glad to hear that all is well. I'm still thinking boy, by the way!

    Enjoy your trip, but we'll miss seeing you at the wedding. Can't believe that is all happening this week!

    Love -- Katie
